[AMPS] Review: SGC PowerCube

Alastair Beaton beaton@wintermute.co.uk
Wed, 1 Jul 1998 18:48:02 +0100

> -----Original Message-----
> W6TER wrote (snip):
> I sent this data to SGC, their response
> was, ". the SG-500 is rated at 500W with
> 14VDC input." Who has 14 volts in their
> mobile at 80 amps, even with a second
> battery? No mention of 14V requirement
> in their brochure.

In my SG-500 brochure it says:
"Input Voltage: 14.0VDC
 Input Range: 10.0-18.0 VDC"

It then describes it as "the 12 volt SG-500 SmartPowerCube".

In their price list, they mention 13.8VDC.

SGC's PS-50 mains power supply for the SG-500 gives a nominal 14.5VDC.

Just like with valve amplifiers, where the maxim is "just bung an extra 200V
on the anode".


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