[AMPS] Vacuum Cap Rating and Plate Voltage

Bill Turner, W7TI wrt@eskimo.com
Mon, 20 Jul 1998 23:16:42 GMT

On Thu, 16 Jul 98 14:35:10 -0500, Jon Ogden <jono@enteract.com> wrote:
>The handbook was correct as everyone told me: With a blocking cap the 
>peak RF voltage is equal to the DC plate voltage.  It's without a 
>blocking cap that you get the twice the DC voltage at peak.  So I 
>remembered incorrectly!
That figure of equal voltage is correct when the output tank is fully
loaded.  With very light loading and lots of drive, the peak RF
voltage can be MANY times the DC voltage, and that's when the tuning
cap will arc.

73, Bill W7TI

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