[AMPS] Re: SSB Power Output

Jon Ogden jono@enteract.com
Thu, 23 Jul 98 08:39:14 -0500

>>1 or 2 dB is all it takes to stand out over the "rabble" ... but the audio
>>response/quality and operator technique play VERY significant parts too.  <
>Is that the case even if the receiver is totally flattened and there's a
>roaring wall of sound coming at you? I've never been lucky enough to be on
>the wrong end of that sort of pile-up <g>.

No.  On Field Day this year we had this sort of pile up on Sunday 
morning.  The rig was a Ten-Tech Paragon which does not have a bad RX.  
The pileup was so strong, all I heard was the "wall of noise."  It don't 
matter how much power you run if the RX of the guy on the other end is 
just totally overloaded and driven into compression.  You're better off 
getting him by being one of the first or last to TX.  That's what I had 
to do with people.  It was generally the LAST guy whose call I could pick 
out as the noise level had abated somewhat.  And then I could generally 
only hear one or two letters of it.



Jon Ogden


"A life lived in fear is a life half lived."

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