[AMPS] Re: SSB Power Output
Jon Ogden
Thu, 23 Jul 98 08:40:42 -0500
>>If it makes such a tremendous difference all the time, then why am I able
>>to work rare DX with 100 Watts?<
>Because transmitter power output is only one factor of several (antenna
>gain and pattern, antenna siting, Fresnel zones, feeder loss, highly
>variable path losses, etc) which go to make up the totality of your
>station. Neglecting propagation effects -- which will inevitably be the
>major controlling influence -- day-to-day HF station performance is likely
>to be much more a function of antenna characteristics than any other single
>element. In isolation, transmitter power level is relatively unimportant.
Totally agreed, John! Excellent points.
>>Psychology is over on the Doctor Laura reflector! :-)
>I must take a trip over there and see what she says about high-order IMD
>and the urge to splatter all over the band <g>.
Jon Ogden
"A life lived in fear is a life half lived."
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