[AMPS] Cleaning Air Variables

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Wed, 3 Jun 98 02:30:02 -0800

>Yesterday I picked up a couple of multi-section air variables that I hope 
>to possibly use (one of them) in my amp which is being rebuilt.  The old 
>load C has significant arc marks.
>Anyhow, one of the caps is a rather large 4 section device.  It has what 
>looks like more than adequate spacing.  I figure that I can calculate the 
>capacitance range of each section by resonanting it with a known inductor 
>at each end of the range.  Each section also has mica trim caps on it for 
>finer adjustment.  Hopefully, the range will be good for my 4-1000A.
>Anyhow, the cap is REALLY dirty.  It's got tons of dust and crud in its 
>housing that for obvious reasons I want to remove.  So, what's the best 

Air-variable capacitors can be cleaned in a dishwasher.  However, they 
should be tested on a high-pot. to make sure that the ceramic, or 
whatever, insulation is sound.  I have seen used a-v capacitors which 
were removed from equipment that was lightning-damaged, which had 
(unseen) internal damage to the ceramic insulation.  .   G-10 material is 
easy to cut and drill.  It has excellent RF characteristics.  G-10 can be 
used to build replacement insulators.   


R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures  

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