[AMPS] Non-inductive resistors

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Wed, 3 Jun 98 07:56:46 -0800

>Tom Rauch wrote:
>>I just received sample 5 watt metal film  resistors from Mouser, as 
>>per the conversation with Carl.
>>The measured inductance of two 51 ohm resistors with nearly zero lead 
>>length was 47.1 nH and 49.3 nH. 
>>Both resistors are wound with about a five turn spiral of metal film 
>>inside the case. 
>Guessing at the length and diameter of a 5W resistor and using Tom's
>estiamte of "about five" turns, the usual formula for the inductance of
>a solenoid gives results somewhere in the right area. I wonder how well
>it works with the actual dimensions?
>Could you run a ruler over the resistors, Tom, and give us a better
>estimate of the actual number of turns?
 The two end-caps amount to a shorted turn, which presumably obviates the 
"usual formula".  


R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures  

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