[AMPS] What's a Western Electric CW-701A?

Kenneth D. Grimm grimm@lynchburg.net
Fri, 12 Jun 1998 12:55:37 -0400

KF0FX@aol.com wrote:
> I have a brand new, right out of the box, Western Electric CW 701A.
> Guaranteed for 250 hours (says right on it).  It's a strange looking tube with
> the anode wrapped around four oxide cathodes at the perimeter of the tube.
> The large cathode to anode surface area makes me think that the tube was
> designed for low duty cycle and high current pulses.  It doesn't look like it
> was designed to handle heat.  The large and variable cathode to anode spacing
> implies that the tube was designed for low frequency operation.  Does anybody
> have an idea of what this tube is?  It looks like it would make a good base
> for a lamp.  :-)
> 73's
> Chris, KF0FX
> KF0FX@aol.com

What you have there is a radar pulse amp tube that was once very
plentiful on the surplus market.  It has a high inter-electrode
capacity, but was used in home-brew PA applications up to around 20 mx
or so.  With 2kv on the plates, you could run up to 400 ma on ssb peaks
with a pair of the tubes.  Since they were $5 or so apiece, you could
afford to abuse them a little.  More information can be obtained from
the "new Sideband handbook" by Don Stoner published by CQ back in the
late 50s.  I guess the short answer is, "Yes, it would make a nice

Ken K4XL
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