[AMPS] HV Transformer Secondary Resistance

Mark Hall markeh@erols.com
Wed, 17 Jun 1998 07:03:20 -0500


I just purchased a 3.3KV  @  1000 ma, 40 pound, "never got warm @800
ma",  transformer off the web.  I measured the secondary resistance with
a Fluke 8024B DVM using several different ranges and in all cases it
came to 170 ohms.  There is a secondary centertap.. and each side to
center gives about 85 ohms.. presumeably no open or hi resistance
connections.  The lowest primary resistance (lots of probe digging and
twisting) reads ~1.5 ohms.  He says it's a 110VAC primary which I can
live with.  Is a DVM a "legal" way to measure secondary resistance, or
should I invite my buddies over and pop a 6-pack to watch thing melt
down with an amp (170 Watts Dissapation) going through it?  It's about
8" x 8" x 5.5",  gray metal box, "Navy" military surplus with 5/8" tall
ceramic secondary standoffs, and no markings on it.  The guy said he
used it to drive a 4-1000 amp at ~1500 watts out.  It's weight would
indicate it's suitability, but the ohms say otherwise.  Any thoughts..
DOA.. send it back.. a nice paper weight??



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