[AMPS] One more for Carl.....

KF6IKC@webtv.net KF6IKC@webtv.net
Sun, 8 Mar 1998 16:42:14 -0800

And by the way, I never claimed to have owned rejected,returned,etc any
amp except for the Alpha 91b. Which I USED from a friend for a very
short time. As far as any other amps go,....my own feelings now....I
have owend and or operated Henry,Drake,Heathkit,Ameritron,Toyko
Hy-power,Dentron,Amp Supply,Palomar,etc.Some were good and others I feel
are junk.BUT...I never spent $3000.00-$6000.00 on any of those amps.And
when I decided to spend that kind of cash,I called Henry,Qro,Alpha, and
Command. And when Alpha's custermer rep. told me on 4 different times
that all I need to know is it's an Alpha...well thats right...all I need
to know is if that is how they treat money spending custermers. I will
take my cash else-ware.....and I did. To Command. And have never been

73's again and look forward to your response.

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