KF6IKC@webtv.net KF6IKC@webtv.net
Mon, 9 Mar 1998 11:20:04 -0800

Hey thats great! I'm glad you like your 91b. If you are happy, thats all
that counts. I'm going to say this again....I have been voicing MY OWN
account with regards to Alpha. I'm siure we can find people to testify
about all the amps out there....good and bad. My posting was not to get
anyone angery or to hurt anyones feelings. Somebody asked for opinions
on "what amp to buy". I responded wit MY own feelings. I have owned and
or operated alot of different amps. Some I realy liked,and others i
did'nt. But you might like the ones I did'nt. Thats what so great about
this country we live in....freedom of speach.

73's and keep voicing your opinion!!!

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