km1h @ juno.com km1h@juno.com
Mon, 09 Mar 1998 14:54:07 EST

Stan, I congratulate you. You certainly have a wealth of experience for a
27 year old Technican class licensee ( at least according to the 10/97
list on the DX Cluster). 

10-4 good buddy.

Ciao  Carl  KM1H

On Mon, 9 Mar 1998 11:20:04 -0800 KF6IKC@webtv.net writes:
>Hey thats great! I'm glad you like your 91b. If you are happy, thats 
>that counts. I'm going to say this again....I have been voicing MY OWN
>account with regards to Alpha. I'm siure we can find people to testify
>about all the amps out there....good and bad. My posting was not to 
>anyone angery or to hurt anyones feelings. Somebody asked for opinions
>on "what amp to buy". I responded wit MY own feelings. I have owned 
>or operated alot of different amps. Some I realy liked,and others i
>did'nt. But you might like the ones I did'nt. Thats what so great 
>this country we live in....freedom of speach.
>73's and keep voicing your opinion!!!
>Stan KF6IKC
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