[AMPS] Re: big boy toys

Dick Flanagan dick@libelle.com
Tue, 10 Mar 1998 12:21:01 -0800

At 12:02 PM -0800 3/10/98, Rich Measures wrote:

>-  The bottom-line is seemingly do not cause interference to thy fellows,
>and the enforcement gods will ignore thee.  .

>From a US enforcement standpoint, I would agree.  From an Amateur
standpoint of self-policing and fair play, I would have to disagree.

I figure I'll let the CB'ers (both with and without Amateur licenses) run
their 10 KW rigs and I'll stick with my faithful pair of 3-500Zs.

Best 73, Dick

Dick Flanagan W6OLD CFII Minden, Nevada DM09db (South of Reno)
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