[AMPS] Legal Limit Tuners

Jon Ogden jono@webspun.com
Wed, 11 Mar 98 16:17:16 -0600

>Any thoughts, opinions, experiences with the various legal-limit tuners
>which are out there on the market?  I'm looking to buy one -- just put
>up a wire-- Of course I would like the best-built tuner for the dollar,
>but would first like to hear from you-all -- perhaps if I skirt past the
>marketing hype I can make an intelligent buying decision -- hi.
>CU in the pileups, boys ----
>Mitch P. Alexander  KG9DB/4


It's not a new tuner, but it is a good one...I have a Heath Roller 
Inductor Tuner.  I can't remember the model number off the top of my 
head, but it's a very large tuner and has a built in balun to run either 
single wire or ladder line in addition to coax.

It is just a tuner - no switches or bypass or anything.  But it tunes 
stuff up quite well and will easily handle legal limit.

You can find these at Hamfests for about $100



BTW: I know KG9DF...A close call to yours!  8-)


Jon Ogden



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