[AMPS] Re: Input Impedance.

Geurts, Gerard ggeurts@amp.com
Tue, 24 Mar 1998 13:29:19 -0000

Snip .....

>Since input impedance equals drive power divided by peak 
>cathode current squared, you can see how the input impedance
>stays fairly close throughout the operating range.

Snip .....

>The input impedance is the ratio of input drive power to peak 
>cathode current.

So which one is it? 

Snip .....

>When you come up with a value from the above formula, you 
>can then substitute a non-inductive resistor of the calculated 
>value for the tube and use your noise bridge or MFJ analyser 
>to park your tuned input in the middle of the band.

I wouldn't substitute, but put in parallel.

Snip .....



Gerard, AA3ES

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