[AMPS] Plate RFC choke design

Mike Willis m.j.willis@rl.ac.uk
Fri, 27 Mar 1998 08:51:28 +0000

At 03:22 27/03/98 EST, you wrote:
>For what it's worth...I agree totally with you. I have built many amps over
>the years and had my share chokes melt down or blow up. The two chokes in
>series works very well. I suggest as AG6K does, if your layout allows, to
>mount the second rf choke at a right angle to the first one to further
>decouple the combined internal capacitance.
>Terry (x W6TG, N6UR)

This is certainly the way to go, but make sure you get them in the right order
and space them well apart and mutually at right angles to the tank coil.

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