[AMPS] parasitics

Jon Ogden jono@webspun.com
Tue, 5 May 98 22:17:33 -0500

>>Ok Carl, I have asked SEVERAL other times for theories for YOUR view 
>>things, but haven't gotten any. 
>Like what?  I'm not the EE who keeps asking questions but never supplies
>any answers of his own.  I've explained my beliefs on parasitics, switch
>arcing and gas arcs enough times. I see no need to keep repeating myself.

Uh..no you haven't.  I have asked you several time to explain the Rocky 
Point effect or Gas Discharge theory for tubes.  I have made several 
requests for this.  I am curious as to why the filaments get bent.  Not 
that I really care since I don't own any 3-500Z's but I am just curious.  
So, please help me to understand the other theories that exist in 
addition to the parasitic theory of Rich's.  And saying that a gas arc is 
what causes the problem is not explaining the theory.  If a tube is 
evacuated, how does a gas arc occur?  See, I am not an expert on tubes 
and I am asking for some help here.  Perhaps you've explained all this 
before.  OK.  Call me dense.  Explain one more time.  If necessary a 
private e-mail would be fine.  You seem to think that I have bought the 
parasitic theory hook line & sinker.  I haven't.  Just don't know what 
the other theories say.

> I am perfectly willing to listen to 
>>you say on these.  How can I make up my mind on anything w/o hearing 
>>Just one thing Carl, Rich told me that in the 3-500Z's that he has 
>>analyzed, he hasn't seen any carbon scoring marks that would indicate 
>>arc.  EVERY and I mean EVERY arc that I have ever seen leaves plenty 
>>carbonization around the area where the arc occured.  So, please 
>>in your theories how an arc can occur that leaves no carbonization.
>Dick Erhorn beat me with the answer...I'm amazed you even asked that

Well, maybe.   Although I do have a follow up question to ask everyone on 
this.  And I also don't think I asked the proper question either.  Rich 
and I spoke on the phone last week and I thought we talked about carbon 
scoring, but I could be wrong.  It may have been something else.  So, let 
me ask my follow up question to Dick's reply and then I am going to 
figger out what Rich and I discussed and then I'll ask that question.



Jon Ogden


"A life lived in fear is a life half lived."

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