Sat, 9 May 1998 16:45:48 EDT
Does any one know where I can find more information on Magnetic Radiators. I
have read the articles in the ARRL Antenna Compenduim II and IV, Magnetic
Radiators-Lwo Profile Pared Verticals for HF, and The Double Magnetic Slot
Antenna for 80 Meters.
I built the Magnetic Radiator described in ARRL Antenna Compenduim II for 40
M. It works! Not as well as my G5RV at 65 feet with 2 in line half + 5%
reflectors. ELNEC says my G5RV w/reflector on 40M has about 11 dbi gain at
about 32 degrees take-off angle. Its aimed south south west.
ELNEC says the Magnetic Radiator has 3.6 dbi gain at 27 degrees take-off
angle. On the air checks, from the Washington, DC area QTH to Texas and
Central America report 1-3 S units below the G5RV to the south and 0-1 S units
in the north eastern direction.
My Magnetic Radiator lobes are a figure eight like a dipole, with the main
lobes south south west and north north east. Antenna is fed with 70 ohm cable
TV hard line and matches with low SWR
My Magnetic Radiator is more like a fence than an antenna. Bottom of antenna
is 5 feet above the ground. Top wire is 16 feet above the ground, length
about 58 feet. Its behind the house in the woods down the hill by the creek
in a ravene, 10-15 feet below the surrounding terrain. I would never have
believed it work if I had not tried it myself, but it does!
My next step will be to see if I can phase several more magnetic radiators for
more gain.
Anyone know anything more, or tried this antenna, I sure would like to here
from you.
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