[AMPS] Re: Heathkit SB-1000

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Sat, 9 May 98 14:00:19 -0800

>Forwarding this on to the list.  Maybe some of you experts can help this guy.
>On Fri, 8 May 1998 12:02:57 +1200, in rec.radio.amateur.boatanchors you 
>>Need Help on curing problem with SB-1000. Output stage is arcing badly, even
>>on very low Ip [around 100mA]. Have tried replacing decoupling caps on
>>either side of series choke but to no avail.  Tube appears OK.  Only other
>>clue appears to be that low drive current is twice what it should be. Have
>>heard that it may be parasitics and this can be cured by rewinding portion
>>of series choke in opposite direction.  

I doubt it.  A better suppressor, yes.  

>>This sounds a bit serious 

-  The SB-1000 is virtually identical to an Ameritron/MFJ AL-80B.  You 
can see some vhf-parasite arced bandswitches from them at:
The good news is that the incidence of vhf parasitics in either version 
appears to be below average.  According to the designer, Mr. Tom Rauch, 
W8JI, the amplifier's Tune-C has a resonance just above the amplifier's 
anode resonance.  It is my opinion that this makes designing a vhf 
suppressor a bit of a sticky wicket since the suppressor is not looking 
at a low Z path to ground where it needs to  .  .  If you couple a 
dipmeter to the dc blocking capacitor, you should be able to observe the 
anode-circuit resonance of approx. 155mHz.  .  The stock vhf suppressor 
has a measured Q of 1.3 at 150mHz.  It is fairly simple to build a vhf 
suppressor with a Q of 0.90 by using Ni-Cr-Fe wire instead of Cu wire.  
Doing so should decrease the vhf gain of the stage by c. 40%.  .  
However, the problem of a C-Tune resonance near the anode-resonance still 
needs to be addressed.  This subject was recently discussed here on 
[AMPS].  I would like to explore a means of addressing the Tune-C 
resoance problem in the SB-1000/AL-80 by connecting a 10pF fixed, 
RF-rated , "dooknob" cap. in parallel with C-Tune.  Since such a 10pF 
cap. is self-resonant above 400MHz, it should be useful for addressing 
the resonance problem in C-Tune.  Unfortunately, I do not own a SB-1000 
or AL80.  .  .    A Proposal:  If you have an inquiring mind, and you can 
solder, I would like to send you everything you need for making the two 
aforementioned modifications.  The price, including airmail, is reporting 
your findings here.   
-  thanks


R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K   

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