[AMPS] Another arc question

Steve Thompson amps@txrx.demon.co.uk
Sun, 10 May 1998 06:56:08 +0100

Again, sorry for joining in late.

>From Jon Ogden:


>Perhaps Rich's suppressors aren't as good as some think.  Perhaps it's my 
>amp.  This is why I am calling everything I am doing experimenting.  I 
>think that even Rich will admit that his supressors don't necessarily 
>cure all ills.  They just make them less likely to happen.
>I am going to continue to try working with both his supressors and 
>designs of my own.  If his don't work, they don't work and Rich will be 
>proven wrong.  However, I have heard of no one who has said that his 
>supressors made their amp unstable.  So,I am assuming that there is 
>something else wrong with my amp.  What, I don't know.....Stay tuned.

Bear in mind that any design of anode lead suppressor can only work
given a low(ish) impedance path to ground at the tuning network. If by
resonance or design the network appears open cct (or high impedance) at
soem frequency, the voltage gain (gm x Ra) will be high - a good
candidate for an oscillator.


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