Ted & Joyce Wilhelm
Fri, 22 May 1998 08:29:24 -0500
This is just a question to confirm that Rich, Tom, Jon ete. etc.etc.
are ham operators?????If they are I sure don't know when they would have
time to operate with all the babble on PARASITICS.....In fact they are
starting to get into my operating time with this constant debate and
theories....I very much enjoy reading some of the other information I
view here but the paint has come off my delete button from over
use....Everyone who submits here has a E-Mail address and it is very
simple to reply to a repeticous question direct....Case example....
Recently there was a request on how to raise dipoles in trees..I found
it best to reply to the gentleman direct but 50 others thought it would
be best here ,thats fine B U T now we're getting some BULL?{:" about
bullets....sure dont need to read that crap and take away more operating
time...Let's all think about what we are submitting before we punch the
send button.....And yes I thought about it and here it is...For those
who feel the same way I'll see you on the air and for those who don"t I
hear their working on a new medicine to cure your problems
73 Ted "HUH"
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