[AMPS] FS: 4CW100000D & accessories

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Tue, 3 Nov 1998 11:58:00 -0800

>Good Morning (or whatever is appropriate) everyone!
>   This item may be of interest to someone on the group:
>	For Sale:  used Eimac 4CW100000D  (yes, that is the correct
>number of 000's)
>		with
>	Socket  mounted in very professionally made subchassis
>		and
>	FIlament transformer  (10V  295A)
>		plus
>	Radiator and plumbing
>	$2000 USD  plus shipping, if necessary
>   This tube was used in a piece of test equipment as a series
>regulator!,  mostly for it's voltage handling capability and dissipation
>characteristics.   The plate circuit was connected with  #22 wire that
>really looked out of place!!!  :-)
In open air, #22 Cu will carry 15A with minimal heating.  

-  later, Marv.  

Rich. Measures.  Web site:  www.vcnet.com/measures

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