[AMPS] Cleaning Amp

km1h@juno.com km1h@juno.com
Thu, 5 Nov 1998 11:51:20 -0500

On Thu, 05 Nov 1998 11:30:18 -0330 VO1MP <gussam@newcomm.net> writes:
>Recently acquired an old SB-220 from an estate sale and
>am presently replacing the diode string  on the circuit board.
>I have had this unit for almost a year now and it functioned 
>flawlessly until one of the diodes exploded I would like to keep it
>as a back up to my TL-922. Which BTW is now back in service Tks for 
>the help
>from AMPS reflectorees.

Use 1N5408 diodes for replacements Gus, you have to drill out the board
pads a tiny bit but you will never have a diode problem again.
I would also carefully check the filter caps.

>However, the matter at hand ,  upon removing the covers I note that
>this unit has tremendous internal grease/smoke/goo everywhere !!
>The previous owner must have smoked havanas and blew the smoke into
> the chassis to cool the tubes hi!
>What is the recommended method to safely and efficiently clean this
> mess out of the unit  ??  Spray  , ? Rinse ?  Cleaning solvent ,
>I know  what i would  like to do " use Easy Off " ( oven cleaner) and
> then run it through the car wash ( facetious here  please don't jump 
>Any recommendations , spray  solutions which can be used ?

I use a spray foaming bathroom cleanser such as Dow or Lysol and several
small paint brushes for the hard to reach places. Remove what residue you
can with paper towels. Give it a final spray and wipe down with hot
It is fairly easy once you remove both side panels.

While it is apart it would be a good time to check the bandswitch
contacts and Tune capacitor for arcing. A little PM now will go a long
way later.

73  Carl  KM1H

>Tks es 73 Gus VO1MP
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