[AMPS] Tuned input
Wed, 11 Nov 1998 10:24:21 -0500
On Wed, 11 Nov 1998 13:50:31 GMT wrt@eskimo.com (Bill Turner, W7TI)
>On Tue, 10 Nov 1998 00:51:52 -0500, km1h@juno.com wrote:
>>> My SB200 needs to have input retuned also. Anyone out there have
>>>experience on re-tuning the frozen slugs ?
>>> Pat W0OPW
>>I still tune by the manual...works fine if you pay attention.
>>You can free slugs with a bit of lacquer thinner or heat. The heat
>can be
>>applied via a home made soldering gun tip bent to fit....just a tiny
>>will ususally do the job.
>>73 Carl KM1H
>If these are the kind of slugs with a hex hole, freezing is often
>caused by a hairline crack radiating out from the center. If that's
>the problem, nothing on earth will free them (this from 18 years in
>the TV repair business). With care, you can drill them out but it's a
>difficult job and easy to damage the coil form. Good luck.
>73, Bill W7TI
The crack doesnt just develop on its own Bill. It occurs when you try and
force a frozen and brittle ferrite slug.
In the Heath SB200 and 220 series a broken slug can often be removed by
heating up the slug enough to free and pushing it out. Other times you
can just leave the slug in the form and push it to tune. Slow and
awkward, yes, but tolerable for a one time deal.
73 Carl KM1H
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