[AMPS] Tetrode IMD

km1h@juno.com km1h@juno.com
Sat, 21 Nov 1998 17:58:43 -0500

Has anyone operated a 4CX250, 8122, 4CX400A, 4CX800A or similar tetrode
at 6M and above with a series cathode resistor?
Any stability or other problems?
Does it really do anything useful on SSB as compared to 2 tone tests?

I'm planning on sending some 250's, some other parts and a schematic
overseas to get a few of the rarer countries on 6M where they only have
5-10W of drive available.

While all the talk about screen regulation is a great topic here it is
financially out of the question to the poorer countries, however zener
and gas tube regulators are available.

Or do we just let them run unregulated everything as in the old THP amps
which claimed -34dB or better IMD. 

73  Carl  KM1H
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