[AMPS] Pi-L networks -'Q'
Sat, 21 Nov 1998 10:40:13 -0500
Thanks for the nice comments Phil.....ur gonna give me a fat head!
I'll go up to the attic and dig up those articles...tnx. The comment
about Pi input networks really got my attention. I had lots of
frustration following published charts and finally had to use the
"blunder ahead" method with mica trimmer caps and varying toroid coil
turns and spacing. After getting a network to work well I then measured
the LC values which were way off the published ones.
Another article which I usually refer to is by Irvin Hof'f, W6FFC, in HRM
June 1978. It is 13 pages long and digs into the math along with ready to
use charts. I would appreciate any comments from the engineers out here
as to the veracity of that article.
73 CArl KM1H
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