[AMPS] trade T-T Omni C for HF amp

zeitler@ibm.net zeitler@ibm.net
Sun, 22 Nov 1998 18:32:56 -0800

I have a need for another commercial hf amp. SB-200/SB-220 w/o tubes, L-4,
L-4B w/o supply and or tubes, etc, etc

I want to trade my Ten Tec Omni C model 546C. 160-10 meters. Full QSK. Nice
rig. Sorry but no manual or mic. Cosmetics are around an 8.0 to 8.5/10.

Very flexible on the amp. Need not be totally operational, opertional at
all, in need of tubes, no power supply, etc...Depends on the particular amp
and what/if it needs anything.

The amp is going to be used by my father KA3IFO in Erie. I can fix anything

Thanks for the read.

Lane Zeitler
San Diego

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