[AMPS] Re: Tuner trouble

Martin Ellis jmellis@ihug.co.nz
Thu, 26 Nov 1998 15:08:18 +1300

henry gillow-wiles KB7RTA wrote:
> I have a Nye MB-V tuner. The thing is great with the exception
> of a bypass switch. I want to get away from the double coax
> switches and put one inside the box......
> Now the problem.  The tuner isn't all the way out of the path.
> Why dosen't the by-pass work?

Hello Henry.
The MB-V-A is a little unusual in that part of the balun winding
is in circuit all the time, except when you select the
"A Direct" switch.  That means that RF passes thru part of the balun
winding, even when you are tuning coax in the A or B positions.
I am not sure if this is related to your problem, but it has no
adverse effect that I have seen.

I prefer to leave the tuner in circuit to flatten the SWR, and reduce harmonics.

Martin ZL1ANJ

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