[AMPS] My old amp

Richard W. Ehrhorn w4eto@rmii.com
Tue, 13 Oct 1998 18:02:36 -0600

Unless I'm mistaken the original Loudenboomer came from Lee Bergren's 
(W0AR?) Radio Industries in Kansas City. Think Hunter built the Bandit in 
or near Iowa City - in Collins country. Definitely a ham amp - competition 
for Heath and the 30L-1, more or less.

73,   Dick  W0ID
-----Original Message-----
From:	Kenneth D. Grimm [SMTP:grimm@lynchburg.net]
Sent:	Monday, October 12, 1998 3:17 PM
To:	amps@contesting.com
Cc:	Jon Ogden; YDDOG@aol.com
Subject:	Re: [AMPS] My old amp

Wrong.  The Hunter Bandit was no CB amp, of that I am certain.  The
company produced a good quality ham radio product in the early days of
SSB.  They made the original "Loudenboomer,"  I believe.  Hallicrafters
later produced their version of the same amp.  Does anyone know the
story of how that business deal worked?

More to the point, Jon's comments about the voltage on the caps is right
on!  If you go with what you've got, you are taking a pretty big
chance.  At the very minimum you should reduce the surge that  you will
get when you turn the amp on.  Good luck in bringing back one of the
venerable amps of yesteryear.
Ken K4XL

Jon Ogden wrote:
> >             Here is the story ,, at a recent hamfest I purchased a 
> >2000 c
> >* Bandit * .
> Please don't take offense, but this sounds like a Chicken Band Amp? (From
> the name).
> > Finding the right filter capacitors was
> >difficult , the
> >originals are 140 MF at 475v ( 6 total ). I was only able to locate this 
> >of
> >cap at 450v and replaced them with these. The total voltage of these
> >capacitors
> >is now about the same as the plate voltage 2700v. I know from an 
> >view this is terrible ,, but ,, will it work ?
> Uhh....I wouldn't run a circuit where my caps have no margin above my
> working voltage.  That's scary.  Especially when running in the KV 
> I would try to increase my voltage rating on the caps somehow.  Probably
> by adding more caps in series to increase the voltage rating (you may
> have to then add more caps in parallel to bring up the value of C).
> 73,
> Jon

Ken K4XL
BoatAnchor Manual Archive - ftp://bama.sbc.edu

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