[AMPS] Revitalising 'tired' tetrodes

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Sun, 18 Oct 1998 09:54:12 -0800

>Sunday 18th October 1998
>Hello all
>I've got a few tired 4CX1000A ex-broadcast 'pulls', and
>want to revitalise them a bit, if it's possible.
>Speaking to my friend Bob Kerr GM4FDT, he quoted from the 1925
>Admiralty Handbook about how to revitalise Thoriated-tungsten
>cathodes/filaments (as used in the larger Eimac tetrodes)
>- run the filament for a few hours/days with all other voltages 
>disconnected - extra Thorium migrates to the surface and the 
>emission will increase.   Also, as the filament reaches the end 
>of its life, the filament voltage can be increased by say 5% to
>improve emission.
>Does anyone know of a similar procedure which would give new
>life to the 'Oxide-coated unipotential' cathodes of the
>4CX1000A/4CX1500B series ?
Not that I am aware of.  
-  cheers

Rich. Measures.  Web site:  www.vcnet.com/measures

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