[AMPS] one-upmanship

km1h@juno.com km1h@juno.com
Sun, 18 Oct 1998 16:07:47 -0400

On Sun, 18 Oct 1998 09:54:09 -0800 Rich Measures <measures@vc.net>
>>At 01:20 AM 10/18/98 -0800, you wrote:
>>>>The amps reflector has been and continues to be a source of useful
>>>>information to me.I just wish I had some way of filtering out all 
>>>>one-upmanship crap that goes on daily.C'mon guys you know who you 
>>>>cut it out please!
>>>>Can we start a petition :)
>>>>73 de Conrad G0RUZ

Seems to be another attempt at PC IMO. There are enough attempts on
individual freedoms and expression without it here also.
Keep it clean and let it all hang out.

>>>This is an unavoidable part of debating, esp. with males.  High 
>>>linear amplifiers are more complex machines than they seem, so there 
>>>bound to be an ample supply of opinions floating about.  .  However, 
>>>time, science, mathematics, and reason will prevail. 
>>>-  cheers, Conrad.  
>>Hi Rich and Conrad
>>Yes there is a considerable amount of One-upmanship on this list. 
>Some of
>>it productive, while much of it destructive. What is NOT called for 
>>personal attack. 
>-  I draw one line at fabrication of "information".   For instance, 
>during the grate parasitic suppressor debate, one of the combatants 
>it and got caught red-handed.  I draw another line at double-speak.  
>Saying one thing in a public debate and a very different thing in 
>e-mail pisseth me off in no small amount.  

Amen Rich.  I enjoy our occassional bitching but it always is courteous
and often productive !

What several of the reflector police fail to realize is that sometimes a
posting is due to a personal vendetta that had nothing to do with this
reflector....such is the case with a post by one individual.  I just
considered the source and chose to ignore it. 

73  Carl   KM1H

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