[AMPS] 6m KW-class Amp design?

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Thu, 3 Sep 98 17:00:34 -0800

Carl, KM1H,  wrote:
>....... The swamping resistance can be anywhere
>from 20 Ohms or so up to about 200 Ohms dependent upon drive available.
>With that degree of swamping neutralization is not reuired and the amp is
>completely stable. 

It is generally considered to be bad luck to say the words "completely 
stable", Carl.  .  Tempt not fate.  

>Another advantage in using a more conventional circuit is that it is
>simple to include the G3SEK design screen regulator for best IMD since VR
>tubes and Zeners do not have the low impedence required for ultimate

Not all shunt regulators are equal.  Some zeners have good dynamic Z.  
Some do not.  You gotta do your homework.  It is advisable to not exceed 
1/3 of the rated dissipation.  (20), high-quality, 5w, 20v zeners mounted 
on a perfboard, biased with up to 80mA, will provide 400v of fairly stiff 
screen potential.  However, for tetrodes (8166, 8169, 8171, 8281...)  
that use higher screen potentials, a 723-controlled FET pass regulator, 
with a suitable screen current bleeder R to guard against 
potentially-fatal reverse screen-current, has advantages.  (circuit on my 
Web site) 
-  cheers


R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures  

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