[AMPS] 6m KW-class Amp design?

km1h@juno.com km1h@juno.com
Fri, 4 Sep 1998 00:49:20 -0400

On Thu, 3 Sep 98 17:00:34 -0800 Rich Measures <measures@vc.net> writes:
>Carl, KM1H,  wrote:
>>....... The swamping resistance can be anywhere
>>from 20 Ohms or so up to about 200 Ohms dependent upon drive 
>>With that degree of swamping neutralization is not reuired and the 
>amp is
>>completely stable. 
>It is generally considered to be bad luck to say the words "completely 
>stable", Carl.  .  Tempt not fate.  

I consider no failures since I built it in 1965 "completely stable" Rich.
Other than PS cap replacements a few years ago the only other maintenance
was to replace the original 1964 date code 8122's  last year when the
output got down to 700W.

>>Another advantage in using a more conventional circuit is that it is
>>simple to include the G3SEK design screen regulator for best IMD 
>since VR
>>tubes and Zeners do not have the low impedence required for ultimate
>Not all shunt regulators are equal.  Some zeners have good dynamic Z.  
>Some do not.  You gotta do your homework.  It is advisable to not 
>1/3 of the rated dissipation.  (20), high-quality, 5w, 20v zeners 
>on a perfboard, biased with up to 80mA, will provide 400v of fairly 
>screen potential.  However, for tetrodes (8166, 8169, 8171, 8281...)  
>that use higher screen potentials, a 723-controlled FET pass 
>with a suitable screen current bleeder R to guard against 
>potentially-fatal reverse screen-current, has advantages. 

Well, Ive been off here abt 4 months since my PC took a lightning hit so
I may have missed some things.
BUT I do remember you being very adamant at one time about the horrible
performance of Zeners and most active SS regulators. Have you changed
your mind recently?
I do know that the G3SEK regulator as installed in my NCL-2000 has made a
impressive performance improvement in IMD. From -28/-32 to -33/-38
3rd/5th respectively with no other changes to the amp. Not bad IMO for
old design tetrodes.

73  Carl  KM1H
Amplifier Repair and 6M Conversions Our Speciality

 (circuit on 
>Web site) 
>-  cheers
>R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures  
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