[AMPS] Augmenting SB-220 power supply

Steve sbookout@mnsinc.com
Mon, 14 Sep 1998 07:57:57 -0400

At 03:02 AM 9/14/98 -0800, Rich Measures wrote:
Hello again, Rich,

Your absolutely correct.  Knowing Frank as a resourceful fellow, I suspect
he probably came across the components at a price he couldn't beat.

I remember I 'gave' a transformer to a fellow for $25 once because I
couldn't get it out of my car by myself.  It was 3 phase, 220/440 volt
input and, if I remember, about 4 KV AC at 3 amps CCS.  The guy was a
builder, needed one for a 4-1000 he was building (maybe a 2 holer), and was
VERY happy to get it.

73 de Steve, NJ4F

>The secret is that there are many hams who waste money on humungous anode
supply transformers.  I know a guy in San Diego whose plate tranny is so
big it lives in a doghouse outside the house.  .  .  How much is enough?.
A standard Peter W. Dahl 3kV 1.5A Hipersil� transformer [70 pounder]
powers an 8171 on SSB, providing c. 7800vdc during an "ahhhhhhhhhh" and
9100vdc during RX.  [FWVD rectification].  The power gain is 20db.
Transformer heating is reasonable.  Would a bigger transformer have been
better?.  Not for SSB.  However, to use the 8171 at full suds on RTTY
broadcasting, a 280 pounder, as well as a resonant-choke filter would
likely be needed.  .  And yet there are guys who buy one of Peter's 70
pounders to use outboard with an SB-220.  
>-  later, Steve.  
>R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures  
**** Please note new Email address...steve@1bigred.com *****
***** Will be discontinuing this one shortly *******

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