[AMPS] Purpose of CW/SSB switch
Richard W. Ehrhorn
Mon, 14 Sep 1998 10:46:43 -0600
Hello John,
The switch was traditional in our amps for the purposes I mentioned
earlier, and we included it in the 87A mostly with the expectation that
some guys would still want it for lower-power use. But experience over the
first few years indicated that hardly anyone ever used the LO position.
We've left it in the 87A simply so as not to make an unnecessary and
potentially confusing change that might engender the question, "How come MY
new 87A doesn't have a HI/LO switch like Charlie's?"
We've dropped in the later '89 and '91B amps and no one seems to have
noticed or cared.
73, Dick W0ID
-----Original Message-----
From: John Nelson [SMTP:John_Nelson@compuserve.com]
Sent: Monday, September 14, 1998 4:28 AM
To: Richard W. Ehrhorn; QRO reflector
Subject: RE: [AMPS] Purpose of CW/SSB switch
Message text written by "Richard W. Ehrhorn"
>there was no compelling reason to incorporate a LO voltage tap for
carrier-type operations in amplifiers like the Alpha 87A <
That's interesting. My 87A has a switch marked HI and LO on the front panel
and I've often wondered what it's for. There's no mention of it in the
manual, which doesn't help!
John Nelson
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