[AMPS] relay specs needed.

km1h@juno.com km1h@juno.com
Tue, 15 Sep 1998 00:02:45 -0400

On Mon, 14 Sep 98 17:37:00 -0800 Rich Measures <measures@vc.net> writes:
>>I picked up a couple of new looking transco relays today and would 
>>the spec for them.The first one is a "Y" type with 115 VAC coils and 
>>type sockets,the part number is 11870.I was thinking of using it as 
>>main antenna changeover relay on my 8877 for 6m.I'm sure I read
>>somewhere that the power handling was quite good on these.I will be
>>using a TR sequencer and the relay will not be hot switched.

The Transco Y has been run at serious power ( 8938 EME amps) even at 70cm
Conrad. I would say it is serious overkill for 6M.
I use them to switch at the tower for my 2M 3CX1000A7 amp and have not
had any problems. Also use at 400W for 70cm.
There are several varieties of the Transco Y besides coil voltage. They
all handle power but some suffer in isolation on 2M and above.

>>The 2nd type says Switch RF XMSN LINE and has 28vdc coils.The part
>>number on this one is 15300-12.I paid 10 UKP each for them,it seemed
>>like a very good deal to me.

They go in the $20-30 range here for good used condx. They can be
disassembled for repair as the contacts sometimes do need cleaning I have
been told.

>>I also got a couple of Jennings Vac relays type RJIA26NI067

That would make a fine output relay in your 8877 amp. Use a small relay
for the input, sequence properly, add about 30pf to compensate the thru
position of the input relay.

The Amp Supply LK-800A and Alpha 77xx use the RJ-1A and I have converted
several of them to 6M in the 2500-3000W range with no reported problems
over several years.
The RJ- 1A does not like to hot switch....ever.

Now you have a nice pair of Transco's available for a serious 2M or 70cm

,I was
>>thinking of using these to swich off the eht during fault 
>>this ok if it comes after a 50 ohm series resistor?Or will it 
>>to arc?What is the DC rating for these devices?

A real HV fuse in the HV line along with the series resistor PLUS a
circuit to remove the primary AC in case of failure would be a better
step IMO. I believe the Jennings has only a 7A rating....but its been
years since I loaned out my catalog! My gut feeling is that it may be a
weak link during an arc type failure.

73   Carl  KM1H

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