Doug Waller NX4D@sundial.net
Mon, 21 Sep 1998 21:50:30 -0400


For a lifetime, I have dreamed of converting a commercial 5-10kw HF amp
to 80-10m bandswitched operation.  Can someone point me to a used
commercial amp source, or method of intercepting one coming out of
operation?  I know a larger case would be required to house coil, vac
variables, bandswitches, etc, and am willing to do that.

Also, a long-lost friend used to go to local broadcast stations, pick up
their used broadcast tube(s) when the alloted hours of service were up,
and built a high-power amp around the tube.

Any info and veteran insight on the above will be appreciated.

73/P5dx,  Doug - Nx4d

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