[AMPS] Re: TL-922

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Mon, 21 Sep 98 11:48:26 -0800

>Martin Ellis wrote:
>> > I am a bit apprehensive about just replacing the CAP
>> > and tube before being certain that it won't do a repeat
>> > when I fire it up.
>Tks Martin  & Rich :
>BTW Martin had look at the grid chokes lunch time
>and sure  enuff the one on the "Clinton" tube side had gone 
>south. The xformer looks OK but will have to run some more
>checks yet.
>Rich the filament xfrmr problem happened exactly that way and
>had to be  replaced.
>I guess I like to think that if you ignore a problem long enuff
>mebbe it will go away ,  no such luck !!
NASA fired the two safety engineers who would not ignore the O-ring 
problem on the Space Shuttle boosters.  


R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures  

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