[AMPS] Series Parallel Electrolytics & Current

km1h@juno.com km1h@juno.com
Tue, 29 Sep 1998 09:43:28 -0400


>>>>10 unit quantities.)  
>>>rong.  Current pricing is $13.85 ea.  for 10 - 99 units.
>Carl writes:
>>Identical rated caps made in the USA by CDE are available from 
>>Part # 381LX471M450A052 ( Mouser # 5985-450V470) are $11.29 ea  Qty
>The rating is 85=BAC.  The Panasonic capacitor is rated at 105=BAC.  =
>The price on the CDE cap. is currently $10.21 at 10 - 99 units.  

Wrong again Rich. The 381LX series is rated at 105C. I do wish you could
get a few simple facts straight.
You read info and pricing on the 380LX series.

>>These and the Panasonic are good caps but be careful of the ESR and
>>ripple current ratings which are signifigantly worse than computer 
>The Panasonic caps. are rated for ripple current in the Digikey =
>catalog.  .  The CDE computer grade caps are not rated for ripple =
>current in the Mouser catalog.  .  Good ripple current rating means =
>low ESR.  

The CDE are rated at the same as Panasonic, they will FAX you a data
sheet if you ask which BTW goes into a lot more technical detail than

I have used the 381LX in many conventional amp repairs and they run cool.
I do not believe I would want to use them, Panasonic or others of a
similar nature in a 10KV 3A supply. There I would use nothing less than
the best Computer Grade or Oil Filled.

73   Carl  KM1H

>R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures  

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