[AMPS] Grid driven triodes
Bob Marston
Wed, 31 Mar 1999 21:34:25 -0800
At 09:33 AM 3/31/99 -0800, Rich Measures wrote:
>� Bridge-neutralization and an unbalanced Pi tank could provide general
>coverage Class AB1 operation for a (low-Mu) triode - as it does with
>tetrodes and pentodes. . See Figure 5 on my Web site. The only change
>needed for a triode is to decrease the ratio of the bridge capacitances.
>- A problem with grid-driven Class AB2 and Class B operation is c.
>minus 20db ssb-voice IMD. Even though this is perfectly FCC-legal as
>long as the feculence stays within the amateur service band in use,
>anyone who runs high power with high distortion is quite likely to be
>viewed as an anathema.
Hi Rich
While it may be FCC-legal the FCC is taking interest in nearby distortion
products. It was reported on the ARRL's web page that among the FCC's
recent enforcement actions on the high end of 20 was notices of general
inquiry to several operators for wide signals. It was stated that these
were not official citations for rules violations but the FCC did express
it's interest in what it believed was improper operation and wanted
information regarding the equipment being used.
Bob K1TA
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