[AMPS] B&W PT2500

km1h@juno.com km1h@juno.com
Sun, 4 Apr 1999 22:08:39 -0400

On Sun, 4 Apr 1999 21:28:31 -0400 "David A. Pruett" <k8cc@ix.netcom.com>
>>1500W nominal on all bands with 100W drive.  10M may be a bit lower 
>>the customer installed the input assy. In reality, the amp will 
>>do 1800W + on most bands.
>>A real stable amp that was never marketed correctly.
>Sound just like my amp.  We've used a few of the 3CX800 amps here, 
>you just can't let them out of your sight.  The Viewstar has been 
>free here.
>However, it HAS inflicted damage on some of my other gear.  Dunno if 
>manual notes this, but the damn T/R relay is 120VDC!!!  I had 
>about this, and zorched the amp keying relay in a IC-756, as well as 
>PTT input on a Timewave DSP-599.  I've fixed that now with $10 of
>switching transistors, but PEOPLE SHOULD WATCH OUT!
>Dunno if the B&W version had the same T/R relay.

Yes it does and glad you mentioned that Dave. The Harbach SB-220 SoftKey
will also work for those with fussy xcvrs.  The amp is also a good
canditate for one of Rich's QSK circuits.

73  Carl  KM1H


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