[AMPS] AL1500 Parasitic Suppressor

Edward M. Pagaduan ezed@aloha.net
Sun, 4 Apr 1999 16:40:48 -1000 (HST)

I had an Ameritron AL1500 back in 1990.  But had to sell it later because i
needed the money.  Thinking of getting again another one.  Now that it looks
like I can afford it.  This AL1500 had an 8877 tube in it.  But did not have
a parasitic choke on the plate.  Amp operated ok with no problems for less
than a year.  Then developed some popping noise that came from the p.s.
section filter capacitors and eventually blew the primary fuses and
completely blacked out.  
This amp had no mods, brand new out of the box with out the parasitic
suppressor.  Big question is, did Ameritron had something else in mind to
suppress parasitics?  With R. Measure's dire warnings in magazine articles
about parasitics, was worried about this before picking up another AL1500.
The cost of a parasitic suppressor is small compared to the replacement of
an 8877.  I doubt if parasitics caused the filter caps to fail but I could
be wrong.  Does anybody else had the same situation with their AL1500?  Good
and bad comments appreciated.  :)


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