[AMPS] 4X1 tuned input

Jon Ogden jono@enteract.com
Mon, 12 Apr 99 09:36:18 -0500

>If you're driving your amp with 100W, the results you're seeing are about
>all you can expect.  Up here in Michigan, experience of many amateurs is
>a 4-1000A with 6KV on the plate is a 13 dB gain box (i.e. whatever does in,
>twenty times that comes out).

Huh?  He is getting no where near 13 dB of gain.  If I put in 100 Watts, 
20 times that is 2 KW.  That is great!  In fact, it's damn near what I 
see in my 4-1K amp.  His results are much less than that.



Jon Ogden


"A life lived in fear is a life half lived."

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