[AMPS] feeding_two_PA´s

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:46:19 -0700

>I would be inclined to use a simple splitter at the input to both amps and 
>take a small (3dB) hit on the TL922 output and an even smaller hit on the 
>91B output (1dB). In practice you may find that the decreases are not even 
>Another option might be to build a 200Watt amp to boost the imput power up 
>Many modern rigs will actually give rather more than 100 watts if you adjust 
>the ALC - 150 watts is not uncommon I'm told. If you take care of the 
>cooling of the rig this might be an good option...

€  If the ALC adj. is turned up with 12v-16v rated  radios, a better Z 
match can be obtained by increasing the supply potential to 16v.  The 
transistors in many 12v radios are rated for 18v operation, so there is 
still a margin of safety.  


R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures  

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