R: [AMPS] voltage drop

Maurizio Panicara Maurizio Panicara" <i4jmy@iol.it
Mon, 26 Apr 1999 12:41:14 +0200

If your power line is a single phase, without a regulation it's an hard job
to filter properly not to see anyway a few hundred voltage drop at full
current drain. Probably, 2 extra oil caps of same value like existing ones
won't change things substantially.
In the case your line is a 3 phase , the existing capacity should be enough
and something else has to be fixed.
If your PS hasn't any voltage multiplier, a 3% voltage drop on mains is
responsible of some 170V DC drop on HV.
To eveluate the problem It's good to know the real HV voltage drop using an
HV probe and a good voltmeter checking what's the voltage drop at different
current drains.

Mauri I4JMY


-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: Dick McDuffie <ny1e@server.nlbbs.com>
A: amps@contesting.com <amps@contesting.com>
Data: luned� 26 aprile 1999 0.23
Oggetto: [AMPS] voltage drop

>My plate voltage drops from 5600 VDC to 4700 under load,(pair 4-1000A's
>.7A) My line voltage drops from 240 to 233. My filter cap is a pair of 32uf
>oil caps in series. My last amp used 16uf filter cap, but didn't have a
>Should I:
>1) Run a 30A 240V line
>2) Buy 2 more oil caps
>3) Disconnect my volt meter
>Thanks for any ideas,
> Dick NY1E
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