[AMPS] SB-220 input circuit
Rich Measures
Mon, 2 Aug 1999 10:09:24 -0700
>From time to time we've seen posts about how the SB-220's input network is
>badly designed for 10 meters, and that results in lower output.
>Mine has a relatively high input SWR (ca. 1.8:1 on the part of 10 meters
>I'm interested in) and suffers from low 10m. output (ca. 800 watts at
>best), but even when I use the built-in tuner on my transceiver to match
>the input perfectly, the output doesn't rise significantly. Why is this?
>Is there really no alternative to taking the amp apart to get at the input
>circuit and change component values?
€ In the SB-220, the input pi-network has a Q of somewhat less than two.
For a solid-state radio, a Q of c. two is needed to obtain a good match.
R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures
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