[AMPS] Clipperton L shot?

measures measures@vcnet.com
Thu, 26 Aug 1999 05:42:00 -0700

>Hi all,
>	I need the collective wisdom of the group. I have a 
>Clipperton L amp. Recently, I've only been able to 
>get an extra 100 watts maximum out of the amp on all
>bands. My SWR is fine 1.2-2.0:1 on 40,20,15,10 mtr bands
>into my TH7DX and M2 40m dipole, but I get no additional
>power out on 40 and 20, and a maximum of 100 watts more
>on 15 and 10. Vp= 3000volt and Vi=.8 
>What's going on here?

€  For starters, I  would check the output bandswitch contacts.    Next I 
would make sure that all of the filaments were lighting up.  
-  good luck,  Jonathan

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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