[AMPS] File Compacting

Jim Reid jreid@aloha.net
Mon, 1 Feb 1999 11:28:29 -1000

Have been deleting a lot of files appearing on Amps lately,  hi.  Anyway,
today  I get a window from Outlook Express advising I have a lot of
"wasted"space in  email files,  would I like to Compact them now.
So I clicked yes.  I rather assumed that when something was deleted
it was gone from the hard drive.  Evidently not.  Also learned that when
you click on the main File/Folder you also have the option to "Compact"
all files of the program,  even the ones you are saving?

What is going on?  Is every email I have ever sent or rcv'd somewhere
on my drive in compacted form,  but never actually erased and eliminated?
If so,  how can I get rid of this unwanted stuff?  And what does
mean in Microsoft lingo?

73,  Jim,  KH7M

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