[AMPS] Dollars per dB
Fri, 1 Jan 1999 09:07:22 -0500
On Fri, 1 Jan 1999 13:41:43 +0200 "John Fielding" <johnf@futurenet.co.za>
>As an old ham once told me " It's not what you put up in the air that
>counts, it's what you put up the coax"!!!!!
>Happy New Year to all
>John ZS5JF
Good points by several but one thing that was missed is that anyone who
believes that a CC A-3 has 8dBd gain is smoking funny weed.
Rich is particularly on the money about directivity and also I would say
the majority of hams do not have the real estate to install directional
antennas on the 40-160M bands.
The report is simply a redone repeat of several printed articles over the
years that look good on paper but fail to examine the real facts of life
on the bands.
Life is too short for QRP.
73 Carl KM1H
>| From: Rich Measures <measures@vc.net>
>| To: Ham - amps@contesting.com
>| Subject: Re: [AMPS] Dollars per dB
>| Date: 01 January 1999 06:43
>| >
>| >What this all boils down to (and by the way you are absolutely
>| >your figures) is "you are better off to sink you bucks into a GOOD
>| >than a amplifier.
>| >this does not mean that I am against power, far from it, but there
>| >to gain from a good antenna than there is from a good amp.
>| >
>| >Larry K0AEY
>| >
>| � It depends on the job at hand. On 75m phone, during the summer
>| season, talking to a large group spread around in different
>| using a dipole with an amplifier is a proven way to be heard
>| by all stations. A directional / gain antenna is not going to cut
>| mustard. .
>| - later, Larry.
>| Rich...
>| R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures
>| --
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