[AMPS] Dollars per dB

km1h@juno.com km1h@juno.com
Fri, 1 Jan 1999 17:24:59 -0500

On Fri, 1 Jan 1999 15:06:52 -0500 ab2et@juno.com (Zdzislaw R Sawicki)
>The BIG S-N-I-P---
>It Makes Some cents but Boy-oh Boy are you L-O-N-G-E Winded.

I napped twice while TRYING to read it myself.

>NOT and I say it again DO NOT give up your paper route, You WILL
>need it to pay for the POWER that the QRO AMP sucks up .... hi hi A 
>better and more efficient ANTENNA with about 300-500 W on it WILL
>outperform any High Power AMP...
>And a Happy New Year

A KW amp used properly will possibly reduce ur electric bill. There is
nothing more aggravating in a pileup than to listen to the 100W wet
noodle stations causing non stop QRM for hours.  I prefer the in and out
procedure myself.  Did enough of that hours long crap years ago.

100W is better for filament power.

73  Carl  KM1H

> Steve
>  00 
> (__)         AB2ET
>"I bet two extra terrestrials"  
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