[AMPS] Dollars per dB

zeitler@ibm.net zeitler@ibm.net
Tue, 5 Jan 1999 11:11:34 -0800

>There are enough options that anyone can fit a decent signal into a
>budget, small lot, etc.
€ not easily on 160.

Yes, very easily. Buy the Uni-Hat or make a copy for yourself and you are
ready to roll.

>>The article a couple of months ago in QST made it sound like you never
>>need a PA.
>One of the worse examples and most biased I have ever read.

€  [chortle] but they were still accepting advertisements for amplifiers?

>Pure bozoland. When was the last time anyone has read a credible amp
>QST ?
€  Rus Healy and another staffer wrote one sometime around 1991 which
reviewed a number of currently available products.   Bruene  (?)  wrote a
good one about grounded grid amplifiers.  //  I had an interesting
conversation with the ARRL Lab tech who tested the AL1200.  He said there
was intermittent arcing in the tank which appeared to be caused by a vhf
osc.  Want to guess whether this was mentioned in the product review?  //
Does the League currently measure filament/heater potential in amplifier
product reviews?   Does the League currently measure amplifier R-T and
T-R switching times?
>73  Carl  KM1H
>Life is too Short for QRP
€  Amen, Carl.    One evening during the Summer static season on 75m, a
guy with a QRPP radio managed to break in to a ssb-vox group of about a
dozen, of which I was a member.  We picked him up.  He was roughly S9
amid 20db over S9 static bursts.  After finding out that most of us were
using over a kW, he launched into a long-winded lock to talk sermon on
the sin of running high power.  The group switched to upper sideband and
continued the previous conversation while he ranted on lower.


R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures

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